Mendocino coast so you can imagine his disappointment when
strong wind and rain kept everyone indoors. Everyone else
had a great time but since gnomes react unpredictably to
tequilla and don't know how to play Balderdash and Trivial
Pursuit he jsut sulked in his room and wouldn't come out for
the camera.
I got a shot or two of him looking longingly out over the
crashing waves during the one brief break in the weather
To try to cheer him up a bit I took him back to San Jose by way
of San Francisco so he could see the Golden Gate bridge
Here he is looking out over Alcatraz, San Francisco and the Golden Gate bridge...
Of course he insisted on walking across the bridge ....
...and wanted one last look over the bridge and
city from a vista point before heading home...
We were too late to stop and take in the sights and sounds
of the city but I promised to take him on a tandem paragliding flight next weekend if the weather is good, before he heads
out on the next leg of his trip to Ohio.
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