Here I am to save the day! Sort of...
Here are the pics I took with Gerald...with a brief description for each...
The world famous "Ace of Clubs" house, where there was a wedding reception going on at the time. So Gerald chose to stay outside.
A short trip to Fouke, AR to bring you horror movie buffs this little tidbit. It rained to hard to go to Spring Lake Park for a murder mystery shot. Sorry.
Close up of the "gerald Monster"! And here he is with my boys! Aren't they cute?
And the much requested "BiState" shot!
This shot is taken in front of the Down Town Post Office which literally straddles the two state lines!
Here's the actual spot where Gerald stands in two states at once! Oooooh, the wonder of it all!
Welcome to Texas, y'all! (please note the CORRECT spelling of y'all).
Kinda puts things in perspective, don't it?
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