Saturday, July 14, 2007

First post!

I am stealing the GNOME!!!!

Yes, it is today.
Okay, I am still accepting requests for the gnome and I would LOVE to get some more!

Again, if you want to send a gnome on vacation pm me your address so that I can add you to the list.

So let's review:
1. Receive Gnome
2. Take picture of gnome.
3. PM me that you got it, and I will send you my friend's address and the next address in line.
4. Send him to the next person on the list!
Optional: Add a souvenier for the gnome to bring home!

GUIDLINES (NOT optional)

1. It MUST be Safe For Work (He's 17 guys, grow up)
2. When sending a picture back, the gnome must be visible.
3. You also must write a letter FROM the gnome.
4. You have 14 days to send him to the next in line.

Thanks everyone! This should be fun!

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